When new cyber solutions implementations still leave security gapsPromisec Team
4 Apr, 2022 · 3 minutes

Every company invests in cyber solutions, but when are you certain that the deployment was actually completed and your organization is safe?
We’ve all heard the conversation, we’ve listened to the pitches and sat through deck after deck explaining how this newest technology and that innovative platform will change how organizations mitigate cyber risks. When implementing the cure all, high expectations are set and rarely can the system admin or IT have comprehensive insight into what is actually protected and, moreso when the various platforms have been updated or patched.
In a time with nearly infinite opinions and almost as many security solutions to go along with them, we want to highlight some of the most common mistakes, false perceptions and misconceptions preventing you from gaining complete security within your company. From debunking lofty promises to getting greater visibility into your actual system vulnerabilities, understanding cybersecurity requires time and the tools to dig deep into your cyber risk.
New Integration, Same Problem: how to ensure your company is secured
Experience guides the best choices and in the case of endpoint protection many face the same complex problems on a daily basis. Recently, a scenario played out which reflects a common perception of protection in the world of endpoint security. Bringing this to light, we feel, can give better context to resolving common problems to industry wide stresses and enable our customers to make the best implementation decisions for endpoint security.
A client switched their protection configuration and the tools which they use to secure their endpoints. While the new service providers promised comprehensive security across all endpoints, in practice they came up short.
The reality proved that while new solutions may provide key strategic value where they are installed, they don’t ensure that all of your endpoints are secure, up to date and optimized for your data protection needs. Just because a solution is deployed I.e. EDR or XDR on an organizational level does not ensure that it has been effectively implemented through all endpoints and servers within a business.
While some solution providers feel they can effectively guard and protect all endpoints, our practical experience has shown that even with new implantations between them the rate of unprotected elements remains concerningly high.
Who audits the auditors?
A vast and inclusive array of PEM (Promisec Endpoint Management) deployments have shown that, even with the implantation of many best in class endpoint protection solutions (such as EDR, XDR), at least 15-30% of end points remain at risk.
To mitigate the risk and give system admins greater visibility of their endpoint vulnerabilities Companies must adapt monitoring, management and compliance solutions that will enable them to control their attack surface.
Innovative endpoint management process can enable you to easily see if your endpoints are up to date with the latest security tools you purchased recently. This way, you can ensure ALL your company assets are protected against viruses and malware and have optimized endpoint security.
With the use of advanced tools, such as PEM, your organization can defend its data from illicit players and out of date OS. To learn more contact us here.
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